
Slots are placeholders declared by a component that you can fill up with custom content.

In order to declare a slot, you must use the slot macro:

slot name, options


  • name - is the name of the slot.
  • options - a keyword list of options for additional customization.

Supported options

  • required - declares the slot as required. Default is false.
  • arg - an atom or map defining the type of the argument that will be passed to the associated slotable content.
  • as - defines the slot assign name. Useful if you want to reuse the slot name as a prop.
  • generator_prop - property that will be used as generator for this slot.

Rendering content with <#slot>

Slots are similar to properties as they are exposed as part of the component's public API. The main difference is that while properties are passed as attributes, slots are injected inside the component's body.

To declare a slot, you must use the slot macro and provide a name to the slot. In the example below, the slot default is declared as required.

defmodule Hero do
  use Surface.Component

  @doc "The content of the Hero"
  slot default, required: true

  def render(assigns) do
    <section class="hero is-info">
      <div class="hero-body">
        <#slot />

The user can now use the <Hero> component and fill it with custom content.

My Custom Content
  My Custom Content

If the user tries to use the Hero component without defining any content, a missing required slot "default" error will be raised at compile-time.

Missing required slot

Fallback content

Sometimes it’s useful to specify a fallback content that should be rendered when no content is provided for a slot.

defmodule HeroWithFallbackContent do
  use Surface.Component

  @doc "The content of the Hero"
  slot default

  def render(assigns) do
    <section class="hero is-info">
      <div class="hero-body">
          No content defined!

If at least one child element is defined inside <#slot>...</#slot>, the inner content is used as the default content for that slot. Note that we removed the required option in the slot declaration. If we had not done so, a warning would inform you that the fallback content would have no effect, thanks to the compiler!

No content defined!
<HeroWithFallbackContent />

Named slots

In the previous example, we defined a component with a single default slot. But what if you need to define multiple slots? A classical example of such requirement is the Card component. A card usually has three distinct areas, a header, a footer and the main content.

In order to create a component that can represent a card, we need to use named slots. Let's take a look at how it works.

A simple card component

This example demonstrates how to create components with multiple slots. It defines a default slot to hold the card's content and two named slots: header and footer.
defmodule Example do
  use Surface.Component

  def render(assigns) do
        A simple card component

      This example demonstrates how to create components with multiple slots.
      It defines a <strong>default</strong> slot to hold the card's content
      and two <strong>named slots</strong>: header and footer.

        <a href="#" class="card-footer-item">Footer Item 1</a>
        <a href="#" class="card-footer-item">Footer Item 2</a>

As you can see in the example, we are assigning 3 slots:

  • The header slot
  • The default slot that contains everything that is not in any other slot
  • The footer slot

And finally our Card component defining all three slots:

defmodule Card do
  use Surface.Component

  @doc "The header"
  slot header

  @doc "The footer"
  slot footer

  @doc "The main content"
  slot default, required: true

  def render(assigns) do
    <div class="card">
      <header class="card-header" style="background-color: #f5f5f5">
        <p class="card-header-title">
          <#slot {@header} />
      <div class="card-content">
        <div class="content">
          <#slot />
      <footer class="card-footer" style="background-color: #f5f5f5">
        <#slot {@footer} />

Note: Pay attention that defining a <#slot /> without a name is the same as defining it as <#slot {@default} />.

Detecting optional slots

If you need to conditionally render some content depending on whether an optional slot is defined or not, you can use slot_assigned?/1.

defmodule HeroWithOptionalFooter do
  use Surface.Component

  @doc "The content of the Hero"
  slot default

  @doc "An optional footer"
  slot footer

  def render(assigns) do
    <section class="hero is-info">
      <div class="hero-body">
        <#slot />
      <div :if={slot_assigned?(:footer)} style="padding:5px; border-top:2px solid #f5f5f5;">
        <#slot {@footer} />

Without assigning the slot:

Hello! No footer for me.

  <p>Hello! No footer for me.</p>

Assigning the slot:

Hello! Check out the footer.


  <p>Hello! Check out the footer.</p>

Typed slotables

Instead of using <:slot>, you might want to define a custom component to hold the slot's content. In our case, we can define a <Footer> and a <Header> component, setting the :slot option as the name of the slot in the parent card.

defmodule Header do
  use Surface.Component, slot: "header"

defmodule Footer do
  use Surface.Component, slot: "footer"

To use them, we don't have to change anything in the Card component. We just need to replace each <:slot> with the appropriate Footer or Header component.

A simple card component

This is the same Card component but now we're using typed slotables instead of templates.
defmodule Example do
  use Surface.Component

  def render(assigns) do
        A simple card component

      This is the same Card component but now we're using
      <strong>typed slotables</strong> instead of <strong>templates</strong>.

        <a href="#" class="card-footer-item">Footer Item 1</a>
        <a href="#" class="card-footer-item">Footer Item 2</a>

One benefit of using typed slotables is that you can define properties for them just like you'd do for any other component, allowing the user to pass extra information to customize the rendering.

The <Footer> and <Header> components above are called "Renderless Slotables" as they don't implement the render/1 callback. A renderless slotable is mostly used when you just need a declarative way to assign slot contents along with some additional properties. The slotable, however, is not responsible for any kind of rendering as this task is fully delegated to the parent component.

More details and a more elaborate example is presented in the Renderless Slotables section later on.

Implementing render/1

By implementing the render/1 callback, you can customize the content of the slot with extra markup, allowing users to apply a different behaviour or look for the same slot.

For example, you could have different headers for the Card component.

A fancy card component! πŸ˜‰

The FancyHeader can inject extra markup to the assigned slot content.
defmodule FancyHeader do
  use Surface.Component, slot: "header"

  slot default, required: true

  def render(assigns) do
    <#slot {@default} />

defmodule FancyHeaderExample do
  use Surface.Component

  def render(assigns) do
        A fancy card component!

      The <strong>FancyHeader</strong> can inject extra markup to the assigned slot content.

        <a href="#" class="card-footer-item">Footer Item 1</a>
        <a href="#" class="card-footer-item">Footer Item 2</a>

Slot arguments

There are cases when it's necessary to pass information from the child's scope to the corresponding slot content that is being injected by the parent. Using slot arguments, Surface gives you an extra layer of encapsulation as it allows you to expose only the pieces of data that the parent needs, keeping everything else in the child's scope private to the parent.

Imagine you're developing a new component that you need to show some ratings. It should provide predefined buttons to increment/decrement its value but you want to make the rendering of the value itself customizable so you can, let's say, show it as a number in one page and as a list of stars in another. You also want to define a property for the max value.

Let's see the code:

defmodule Rating do
  use Surface.LiveComponent

  @doc "The maximum value"
  prop max, :integer, default: 5

  @doc "The content"
  slot default, arg: %{value: :integer, max: :integer}

  data value, :integer, default: 1

  def render(assigns) do
        <#slot {@default, value: @value, max: @max} />
      <div style="padding-top: 10px;">
        <button class="button is-info" :on-click="dec" disabled={@value == 1}>
        <button class="button is-info" :on-click="inc" disabled={@value == @max}>

  def handle_event("inc", _, socket) do
    {:noreply, update(socket, :value, &(&1 + 1))}

  def handle_event("dec", _, socket) do
    {:noreply, update(socket, :value, &(&1 - 1))}

Note: for simplicity, the example here does not implement any kind of validation on the backend nor any blocking on the client to prevent multiple clicks leading to a negative value. The goal is just to explain how slots work. In production, your should probably do both.

Now let's create two instances of our Rating component, each one rendering its value differently.

Rating: 1

<Rating :let={value: value} id="rating_1">
  <h1 class="title is-marginless">
    Rating: {value}

<Rating :let={value: value, max: max} id="rating_2">
  {#for i <- 1..max}
    <span class={:icon, "has-text-warning": i <= value}>
      <i class="fas fa-star" />

Renderless components

There are cases when you don't need to render any of the children of a specific component. You just want to use them as a list of values that can be retrieved so you can provide a more declarative way to configure that component.

Imagine you want to define a Grid component but instead of defining a property to pass the columns definitions, you want to extract that information directly from the component's body. In order to achieve that, you can define a Column component and use the :slot option to inform that any instance will be bound to a parent slot.

By doing that, the component will no longer be rendered automatically. The list of children belonging to the same slot will be grouped and become available to the parent as an assign. The parent then decides what should be done with each individual group (slot).

Here's an example:

Name Artist Released
The Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floyd March 1, 1973
OK Computer Radiohead June 16, 1997
Disraeli Gears Cream November 2, 1967
Physical Graffiti Led Zeppelin February 24, 1975
defmodule Example do
  use Surface.LiveComponent

  data albums, :list, default: []

  def mount(socket) do
    albums = [
      %{name: "The Dark Side of the Moon", artist: "Pink Floyd", released: "March 1, 1973"},
      %{name: "OK Computer", artist: "Radiohead", released: "June 16, 1997"},
        name: "Disraeli Gears",
        artist: "Cream",
        released: "November 2, 1967",
        selected: true
      %{name: "Physical Graffiti", artist: "Led Zeppelin", released: "February 24, 1975"}

    {:ok, assign(socket, albums: albums)}

  def render(assigns) do
      <Grid items={@albums}>
        <Column field="name" />
        <Column field="artist" />
        <Column field="released" />

Here are the Grid and Column components:

defmodule Column do
  use Surface.Component, slot: "cols"

  @doc "The field to be rendered"
  prop field, :string, required: true

defmodule Grid do
  use Surface.Component

  @doc "The list of items to be rendered"
  prop items, :list, required: true

  @doc "The list of columns defining the Grid"
  slot cols

  def render(assigns) do
    <table class="table is-bordered is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth">
          {#for col <- @cols}
        {#for item <- @items}
          <tr class={"is-selected": item[:selected]}>
            {#for col <- @cols, field = String.to_atom(col.field)}

By defining a named slot cols, we instruct Surface to create a new assign named @cols that will hold a list containing all children that belong to the slot cols.

Note: As you can see, the Column component does not render anything. It just holds the provided values for its properties. All the rendering is done by the parent Grid.

Slot generators

Imagine that instead of passing the field related to the column, you want to define some markup that should be rendered for each column. This would give us much more flexibility to render the items. Here's an example of what we could do.

Title Artist
The Dark Side of the Moon (Released: March 1, 1973) Pink Floyd
OK Computer (Released: June 16, 1997) Radiohead
Disraeli Gears (Released: November 2, 1967) Cream
Physical Graffiti (Released: February 24, 1975) Led Zeppelin
def render(assigns) do
    <Grid items={album <- @albums}>
      <Column title="Title">
        {} (Released: <strong>{album.released}</strong>)
      <Column title="Artist">
        <a href="#">{album.artist}</a>

Notice that we're not passing a regular list to the property items anymore, instead, we are passing a generator that defines a variable called album. That variable will hold the value of each item in the list that will be passed back to the column's scope by the parent Grid.

Note: Currently, Surface only support generators defining a single variable. Optional filter expressions are also supported. The concept of generators and filters is the same used by comprehensions in Elixir. For more information, see the section Generators and filters in the Elixir official documentation.

Here's the updated version of the Column and Grid components:

defmodule Column do
  use Surface.Component, slot: "cols"

  @doc "The title of the column"
  prop title, :string, required: true

defmodule Grid do
  use Surface.Component

  @doc "The list of items to be rendered"
  prop items, :generator, required: true

  @doc "The list of columns defining the Grid"
  slot cols, generator_prop: :items

  def render(assigns) do
    <table class="table is-bordered is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth">
          {#for col <- @cols}
        {#for item <- @items}
          <tr class={"is-selected": item[:selected]}>
            {#for col <- @cols}
              <td><#slot {col} generator_value={item} /></td>

Let's take a closer look at the two important changes we made in our Grid:

  1. The cols slot now references items as the generator_prop.

  2. We use <#slot> to render each column's content passing the current item as the generator_value.

Note: Surface Slots are implemented as regular LiveView Slots. The <#slot> component is basically a wrapper around render_slot/2 that allows extended features like contexts and generators. For instance <#slot {@default, @form} /> is analogous to render_slot(@inner_block, @form).