
Generates select tags for datetime

Provides a wrapper for Phoenix.HTML.Form's datetime_select/3 function.

All options passed via opts will be sent to datetime_select/3, value, default, year, month, day, hour, minute, second and builder can be set directly and will override anything in opts.

# Public API

Name Description Type Values Default
id The id prefix for underlying select fields.

form The form identifier.

field The field name.

name The name prefix for underlying select fields.

value Value to pre-populate the select.

default Default value to use when none was given in 'value' and none is available in the form data.

year Options passed to the underlying 'year' select.

month Options passed to the underlying 'month' select.

day Options passed to the underlying 'day' select.

hour Options passed to the underlying 'day' select.

minute Options passed to the underlying 'day' select.

second Options passed to the underlying 'day' select.

builder Specify how the select can be build. It must be a function that receives a builder that should be invoked with the select name and a set of options.

opts Options list.

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